HolyCoast: Krauthammer's Razor
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Krauthammer's Razor

Charles Krauthammer attempts to explain Nancy Pelosi's fascination with the Armenian genocide resolution that up until the last day or so appeared headed to the Floor for a vote. This resolution would have done considerable damage to our relations with Turkey and our ability to carry out the war in Iraq, and would have done so for no discernible gain. It looks like the support has crumbled and Pelosi may have been thwarted in her stupidity. Charles has a good analysis of how this whole thing came to be.

He also includes "Krauthammer's Razor", a play on "Occam's Razor". Occam's Razor states basically that "the simplest explanation is usually the correct one". Charles' version is equally informative:
In explaining any puzzling Washington phenomenon, always choose stupidity over conspiracy, incompetence over cunning. Anything else gives them too much credit.
Read Charles' piece here. My thoughts on Pelosi's gambit were previously posted here. I can't buy the "stupidity" argument. I'm pretty much convinced that this is a deliberate attempt to disrupt the war.

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