HolyCoast: Iran 1, U.S. 0
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Iran 1, U.S. 0

My initial post regarding the incident in the Persion gulf between Iranian gunboats and the U.S. Navy suggested that somebody in the Navy is going to pay with their career for the lack of decisive action on the part of the Naval commander. Ralph Peters writing in the NY Post thinks that more than a Naval career is at stake:
January 8, 2008 -- EARLY Sunday morning, the US Navy lost its nerve and guaranteed that American sailors will die at Iranian hands in the future.

As three of our warships passed through the Straits of Hormuz, five small Iranian patrol craft rushed them. As the Revolutionary Guard boats neared our vessels, an Iranian officer broadcast a threat to our ships, claiming they'd soon explode.

The Iranians tossed boxes into the water. Mines? Just in case, our ships took evasive action.

The Iranians kept on coming, closing to a distance of 200 meters - about two football fields. Supposedly, our Navy was ready to open fire but didn't shoot because the Iranians turned away at the moment the order was given.

We should've sunk every one of them.

Not because we're warmongers. But because the Iranians had made threats, verbal and physical, that amounted to acts of war. When will we learn that resolute action taken early saves vast amounts of blood and treasure later?

Oh, from Washington's perspective we did the right thing by "exercising restraint." But Washington's perspective doesn't amount to a gum wrapper in a gutter. What matters is what the Iranians think.

They now believe that the Bush administration, our military and the entire United States are afraid of them.

Read the rest of it here. The Iranians just got a very dangerous dose of courage.

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