HolyCoast: My New Hampshire Predictions
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My New Hampshire Predictions

Although I haven't been able to spend as much time as usual perusing the political pages, I think I've picked up enough to offer my predictions for the New Hampshire primary:
  • Democrats: Hillary Clinton gets beaten like a bongo by Barack Obama. It's not even close and the fat lady starts warming up for her big number which will be performed on February 6th after the Obama coronation is completed with a near sweep of the Super Tuesday primaries and the "inevitable" Hillary bows out. Third place in New Hampshire doesn't matter.
  • Republicans: John McCain gets a narrow victory over Mitt Romney, thus further damaging Romney and making a victory in Michigan absolutely vital to keeping the Romney campaign going. Hugh Hewitt's wife starts hiding all the sharp objects. Mike Huckabee is a distant third, but fares a little better than expected.
The loss in New Hampshire will greatly damage the Clinton Machine. A narrow loss by Romney won't hurt quite as bad, but if he gets beaten by more than 3 or 4 points it could knock him out of serious contention regardless of his millions of dollars.

That's my story and I'm stickin' too it.

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