HolyCoast: It's Back to a Two Person Race for the Dems
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It's Back to a Two Person Race for the Dems

Nobody, and I mean nobody, saw this coming:
Hillary Clinton - 39%
Barack Obama - 36%
At least when I'm wrong, I'm in good company. Every poll and pundit gave Obama a big win in New Hampshire that he didn't get. It looks like the little teary moment yesterday paid off by turning women in bigger numbers in her favor than had been expected. As one wag said, "Hillary cried, Barack died."

Pretty much everybody wrote Hillary off, and it's now obviously too early for that. It's going to be a dogfight for the Dem nomination, and that's probably a good thing for everybody.

Everybody saw this coming:
John McCain - 37%
Mitt Romney - 32%
Romney needed this win badly. Being a former governor of a neighboring state should have given him a strong advantage, but it wasn't enough. I think his campaign will begin to really sputter after these two losses. Advice to Romney - start crying.

Interesting theory mentioned on various other sites - some independents who were thought to go largely for Obama may have thought that he was going to win big (based on the many polls) and voted for McCain instead (they can vote in either primary in New Hampshire). Who knows?

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