HolyCoast: Knock if Off With This "CHANGE!" Crapola
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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Knock if Off With This "CHANGE!" Crapola

I think I'm going to withhold my support from every candidate who give speeches about "CHANGE!". This is Mitt Romney's victory statement from Nevada:
Today, the people of Nevada voted for change in Washington. For far too long, our leaders have promised to take the action necessary to build a stronger America, and still the people of Nevada and all across this country are waiting. Whether it is reforming health care, making America energy independent or securing the border, the American people have been promised much and are now ready for change.

The need for change is even more apparent today as our economy faces challenges both here at home and abroad. For decades, we have talked about the long-term economic challenges confronting our country but still the tax burden is too high, business is stifled by regulations and more money goes to defending against junk lawsuits than promoting research and innovation. Now, Washington must act and take the steps necessary to strengthen our economy. With a career spent turning around businesses, creating jobs and imposing fiscal discipline, I am ready to get my hands on Washington and turn it inside out.

Look, dummies (I'm addressing the candidates, not my readers), no matter what you do or promise to do, there's going to be CHANGE! in January. Unless President Bush seizes control of the government by force and refuses to leave offices (as the tinfoil hat crowd fears), there's going to be and new president and that pretty much guarantees there will be CHANGE!. Stop blabbering about CHANGE! and tell me specifically what you're going to do. Otherwise, your words are useful for fertilizer and not much else.

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