HolyCoast: News From The Nevada Caucuses
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Saturday, January 19, 2008

News From The Nevada Caucuses

Romney wins in Nevada. No surprise there. He was the only one who put any effort into the state, and there's a fair number of Mormons in Nevada. I don't think you can draw any particular conclusions as far as the overall race is concerned from Romney's win in Nevada. If he were to win South Carolina, that would be something.

On the Dem side Bill Clinton has stepped in it again. He is claiming that he personally witnessed voter suppression by the Culinary Worker's Union. Here's Bubba's account of the incident (from Politico):
Today when my daughter and I were wandering through the hotel, and all these culinary workers were mobbing us telling us they didn’t care what the union told them to do, they were gonna caucus for Hillary.

There was a representative of the organization following along behind us going up to everybody who said that, saying 'if you’re not gonna vote for our guy were gonna give you a schedule tomorrow so you can’t be there.' So, is this the new politics? I haven’t seen anything like that in America in 35 years. So I will say it again – they think they're better than you.
That's such utter and complete baloney. Let's not forget that this guy is surrounded by Secret Service 24 hours a day. The chance that he could witness what he claims to have witnessed is zero. I think Hillary may be in for a bad day.

Clinton is supposed to be so brilliant and yet he comes out with stupid stuff like this. If Hillary loses the nomination, it's going to be more his fault than hers.

I'll have the final results from Nevada and South Carolina later tonight. Be sure to check back.

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