HolyCoast: Rudy Goes After McCain
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Rudy Goes After McCain

Rudy Giuliani has kind of been the forgotten man during the first three weeks of primaries and caucuses since he chose not to participate in the early contests. He has placed all his hopes on a Florida victory to propel him into Super Tuesday. As other candidates racked up victories, Rudy's star quickly faded. The guy who was the frontrunner for months before the voting began was suddenly looking at third or fourth place.

However, Rudy isn't planning to go quietly. Today his campaign released an article blasting McCain for his tax-raising votes. You can read it here. There's a lot of ammunition there.

I was an early Rudy supporter, and with the soon-coming end of the Fred Thompson campaign, I will probably return to Rudy. I think he probably has the best chance to beat the Democrats in the Fall, and although I'm not a fan of some of his social policies, he's been a consistent conservative on those issues the president can affect. I don't trust John McCain to do the right thing by conservatives and Republicans, and I don't think Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee are electable.

Florida has now become make-or-break for Rudy if he's going to have any momentum going into Feb. 5.

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