HolyCoast: Rudy's Aborted Campaign
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rudy's Aborted Campaign

There will be lots of analysis of the failure of Rudy Giuliani's campaign, but none tougher that this from Scrappleface:
(2008-01-30) — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani plans to abort his presidential campaign today after a preliminary test in Florida showed significant defects.

The former Republican front runner said his decision was “personal”, and asked reporters to respect his “Constitutional right to privacy.”

“It was completely my choice to end it early in the primary cycle, the first trimester of 2008,” said Mr. Giuliani, “because at this point it’s a just cluster of cells with potential, and not yet recognizably organized.”

The former candidate said he’ll leave it to others to dissect his aborted effort and “to try to harvest something of value…you know, post-mortem…at least for research purposes.”


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