HolyCoast: I Was Always For McCain (Except When I Was For Thompson)
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Was Always For McCain (Except When I Was For Thompson)

I have to have a little fun at a friend's expense. I saw this item on Andy Jackson's SmartChristian site this morning:

I publicly came out on SmartChristian very early in support for John McCain. Although I was not sure whether he could resurrect himself at one time in the primary race, so I had to adopt a cluster approach to the election that included a few others. I would provide a caution that the primary race is not totally finished, however. But it is close.

I must say, I am very amused at the staunch conservative Evangelical bloggers eating big crow as they have simply trashed McCain from the beginning. I mean they are going to have to eat a lot of crow. I am not sure that Hugh Hewitt, someone I really respect and a very smart guy, can do his radio program today because of his major case of crow-throat. The Article VI couple will have to stop calling folks religious bigots and move on. Others could be named. It will be a fun reading those Evangelical trash McCain bloggers this week.

My believe in the sovereign God has increased in the last few days. As I have blogged many times at SmartChristian.com, John McCain is the only Republican that could win the general election. Again, although McCain has some major momentum going into Tuesday, it is not over yet.

Andy left something out of his item about supporting McCain from the beginning - the several months in which he supported Fred Thompson with posts like this from July 6th:
Now that we are later in the primary race, many Evangelical Christians - forget the Christian Right rhetoric - are beginning to pitch their tents in the camps of either Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney. G is simply way too socially liberal for many of us.

Although I leaned toward John McCain early based solely on national and international security reasons - Romney has no experience, please don’t bring up the Olympics -McCain’s age has overtaken him and I do not see him as up for the job.

As a result - after much thought - I have decided to join Joe Carter (Evangelical Outpost) and Joshua Claybourn (In the Agora) in the Blogs for Fred camp, where I will function as one of the editors.
Or this one from July 7th:
I believe there is a movement of Evangelicals toward Fred Thompson, although many of us were leaning in different ways early on. One more example of this movement is Rick Moore (HolyCoast.com) joining the team.
And just for fun, one more from July 19th:

Be sure to keep updated on the Fred Thompson movement at Blogs for Fred. Consider joining in.
Be sure your sins will find you out (I kid because I care, Andy). Everybody wants to back a winner (except me - I can't stand McCain).

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