HolyCoast: Some Dem News From Iowa
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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Some Dem News From Iowa

Jim Geraghty has been reporting over at the Campaign Spot a couple of pieces of news from Iowa:

  • Bill Richardson will reportedly instruct his voters to throw their second choice support to Barack Obama, just as Spaceman did the other day. All three of Richardson's supporters have agreed.
  • The rumor mill claims that Hillary's numbers are tanking all over the state. Could that be true, or is someone setting Hillary up as the "comeback kid"?

Then there's this new poll out:

The final Iowa poll from the American Research Group shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leading with 34%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 25% and John Edwards at 21%.

As for second choices: Biden supporters - 25% say Edwards, 31% Obama, 12% Clinton. Richardson supporters - 31% say Edwards, 19% Obama."
I'd like to see the sample on that one. That seems to be just about opposite of everything else I'm seeing.

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