HolyCoast: They Don't Like Each Other, They REALLY Don't Like Each Other
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

They Don't Like Each Other, They REALLY Don't Like Each Other

The AP reports on the scene in the House gallery last night as Hillary Clinton came in contact with Barack Obama:
WASHINGTON (AP) - The state of their union? Icy.

Rival Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama came within a foot of one another just before President Bush's State of the Union speech Monday night and managed not to acknowledge each other.

It was quite a feat, given the packed House floor, the customary bear-hugging and jostling among other members. Then a doorkeeper sat the rivals in the same row, only an aisle and four senators between them.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was not caught in the middle. The Democrat from the iconic political family had taken sides earlier in the day when he endorsed Obama over Clinton. Kennedy was seated beside Obama, away from Clinton.

Nonetheless, Kennedy reached out to shake Clinton's hand when she came up the aisle. Clinton took Kennedy's hand. They shook. Obama had turned away.

A doorkeeper, caught in that highly awkward dance, cringes in the photo that captures the moment.

It was the latest chapter in the increasingly nasty fight between the two leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The have one more big debate this Thursday right before the Super Tuesday voting. It's gonna get ugly.

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