HolyCoast: They Still Have Trouble Playing by the Rules in Florida
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

They Still Have Trouble Playing by the Rules in Florida

After the mess that was the Florida election in 2000 you'd think they would have made a special effort to get it right from then on. Not necessarily so:
In northern Coral Springs, near the Sawgrass Expressway and Coral Ridge Drive, David Nirenberg arrived to vote as an independent. Nevertheless, he said poll workers insisted he choose a party ballot.

“He said to me, ‘Are you Democrat or Republican?’ I said, ‘Neither, I am independent.’ He said, ‘Well, you have to pick one,”’ Nirenberg said.

In Florida, only those who declare a party are allowed to cast a vote in that party’s presidential primary.

Nirenberg said he tried to explain to the poll worker that he should not vote on a party ballot because of his “no party affiliation” status.

Nirenberg said a second poll worker was called over who agreed that independents should not use party ballots, but said they had received instructions to the contrary.

“He said, ‘Ya know, that is kind of funny, but it was what we were told.’ … I was shocked when they told me that.” Nirenberg said he went ahead and voted for John McCain.

McCain has proven that he can't win among registered Republicans. I wonder how many more stories there are like this that didn't get reported?

By the way, somebody in the situation above committed a felony under Florida law.

Speaking of breaking the rules, Hillary Clinton is desperately trying to get the delegates from Michigan and Florida seated at the convention, a move that would give her a clearly unfair advantage. Jim Geraghty thinks that move could win her the nomination, and leave Obama and his supporters knowing their race was stolen. Read about it here.

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