HolyCoast: The $49 Million Dollar Delegate
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Thursday, February 07, 2008

The $49 Million Dollar Delegate

I can think of better ways to spend millions of dollars (from Special Report):
Inefficiency Experts

Among the numerous records that have fallen this presidential campaign season was the late John Connally's mark of having spent $11 million for just one delegate in 1980.

Rudy Giuliani spent $49 million for one — before quitting last week.

The Washington Post reports Mitt Romney is spending about $1.16 million/delegate so far — a pace that would cost him $1,330,000,000 to win the nomination.

On the other side of the scale, Mike Huckabee has been very efficient — getting 20 delegates for each $1 million spent. That's fifty grand a delegate, a bargain in this day and age.
I did the math on Rudy. I figure he could have won the 1,191 delegates needed if he had just stayed in the race and spent another $58 billion dollars. That was probably a little steep for Rudy, but a bargain compared to what Hillary or Barack's health care plans will cost.

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