HolyCoast: Clinton Campaign Short on Funds
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Clinton Campaign Short on Funds

After leasing a new Boeing 737 aircraft and indulging herself in other campaign luxuries, Hillary Clinton has had to loan herself $5 million dollars to keep campaigning. Her spokesman put it this way:
Late last month Senator Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million.The loan illustrates Sen. Clinton’s commitment to this effort and to ensuring that our campaign has the resources it needs to compete and win across this nation. We have had one of our best fundraising efforts ever on the web stoday and our Super Tuesday victories will only help in bringing more support for her candidacy.

Other reports indicate that many senior staff members, including her campaign manager are working this month without pay. I guess being "inevitable" is expensive.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama raised $32 million in January and is expected to raise $30 million more in February. Hillary can still win with close finishes in the remaining primaries, but it will take big bucks to keep the ads on the air and Hill Force One flying across the country. It's Black History Month, but Clinton has a lot of work to do to make Obama black history.

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