HolyCoast: Obama Camp Thinks The Race Will Go to the Convention
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Obama Camp Thinks The Race Will Go to the Convention

The Obama folks need to be careful about the stuff they hand out:
Sen. Barack Obama's campaign "is forecasting that the Democratic presidential race will remain deadlocked after the primaries end, and the outcome may depend on a fight over whether delegations from Florida and Michigan are counted," Bloomberg reports.

"By the time the last primary is held June 7, Obama's advisers project he will have 1,806 delegates to 1,789 for New York Senator Hillary Clinton, according to a document outlining the scenario that was inadvertently attached to a release on delegate counts from yesterday's Super Tuesday primaries."

However, Obama spokesman Bill Burton cautioned, "This is only one of an infinite number of scenarios."
Obama was snookered by Clinton when he took his name off the Michigan ballot but she left hers on. Combine that with a big win in Florida, and it's likely that the Clintons will somehow force the DNC to seat those delegates and she'll win by force of playing the game better than Obama did. That won't sit well with a lot of Dems.

Combine that with the possibility of Hillary winning by virtue of the super-delegates, and things could get pretty nasty in Denver.

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