HolyCoast: How Obama Won Maine
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Monday, February 11, 2008

How Obama Won Maine

Scott Ott has figured out how Barack Obama won in Maine which is full of people of pallor:
(2008-02-10) — Former President Bill Clinton today downplayed the significance of his wife’s losses in Maine, Nebraska and Washington over the weekend, noting that just as being half-black helped Sen. Barack Obama win in the south, “his white half gives him the edge in primarily Anglo-American states.”

“Obama gets to play both sides of the race card,” said Mr. Clinton, “I told you he won South Carolina because he’s black, like Jesse Jackson. So, to be consistent, I’d have to say he won Maine because he’s white like Michael Dukakis.”

The former president acknowledged that his reasoning “doesn’t make sense at first, but if you think about how hard it is for me to avoid saying Hillary lost because Democrats don’t like her, then I think you’ll agree it’s the only prudent thing I can say.”
Nice job, Scott.

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