HolyCoast: It's Time to Get Those "Free the Jena 6" Shirts Out Again
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Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's Time to Get Those "Free the Jena 6" Shirts Out Again

Imagine my surprise - one of the Jena 6 is in trouble with the law again for assaulting a classmate:
FEBRUARY 7--One of the "Jena Six" defendants was arrested yesterday for allegedly assaulting a fellow student at a Texas high school. Bryant Purvis, 19, was busted on the misdemeanor charge following an 8:30 AM altercation at Hebron High School in Carrollton, where his family relocated from Louisiana. According to the below arrest warrant affidavit, Purvis assaulted a male student he apparently suspected of vandalizing his auto. Along with choking the 18-year-old victim, the 6' 6" Purvis allegedly slammed the teenager's head on a table. Purvis, pictured in the mug shot at right, was briefly jailed before being released on $1000 bond. Purvis and five codefendants were originally charged with attempted murder in connection with the December 2006 beating of a white high school student in Jena, Louisiana. The case, which triggered protests over the severity of charges brought against the so-called Jena Six, remains pending, with Purvis scheduled for a March trial on reduced charges of aggravated battery and conspiracy. If convicted of those felonies, Purvis could face a maximum of more than 20 years in prison.
Somebody call Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. I'm sure they can find a noose somewhere in Carrollton to blame this on.

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