HolyCoast: McCain and Huckabee Forces Collude in West Virgina
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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

McCain and Huckabee Forces Collude in West Virgina

Mitt Romney was set to win West Virginia during the GOP convention voting today when it appears that the McCain and Huckabee forces joined to give the victory to Huckabee. If there was any doubt in your mind that Huckabee's campaign exists to benefit McCain, this move should cure that.

Huckabee bested Mitt Romney, who entered the Mountain State event with the largest bloc of pledged convention-goers. Both men and Ron Paul made in-person appeals to the more than 1,100 convention delegates attending Tuesday's convention.

But the former Arkansas governor beat his Massachusetts counterpart after delegates for John McCain defected to his side.

McCain's people knew that he couldn't win, and with Romney at 41% of the vote on the first ballot, he needed only to get to 50% to win. Rather than allow that the McCain people jumped to Huckabee to deny Romney an early victory.

I've suspected for a long time that Huckabee has an ulterior motive in staying in the race. Either he's been offered the VP slot with McCain or some other high profile job in a McCain Administration.

He will be disappointed.

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