HolyCoast: More Bad News for Hillary
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More Bad News for Hillary

Today has not been a good day for news in Hillaryland:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - An aide to Barack Obama says the man who led former President Clinton's 1992 bid plans to endorse the Illinois senator.

Obama's campaign plans a 1 p.m. conference call Wednesday to announce the endorsement by David Wilhelm, who later became chairman of the Democratic National Committee. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity because the announcement would be made public later in the day.

Wilhelm plans to tell reporters that Obama can build a coalition of Democrats, independents and Republicans needed to win the general election. He also says Obama can bring the change he promises—improving the economy and ending the war in Iraq.

Wilhelm is a superdelegate from Illinois who was previously uncommitted in the race.

Ouch. Then there's this:
James Carville - On the chances of Hillary Clinton, the candidate he is advising:

"She’s behind. Make no mistake. If she lose either Texas or Ohio, this thing is done."
What Serpenthead didn't say is that even if Hillary wins both Texas and Ohio, but wins by only a small margin, she's still in trouble thanks to proportional delegate allocation.

Finally, there's this:
Dear Governor Dean:

I write this letter as a former Democratic candidate for President of the United States and a civil rights leader who has fought his entire life for fairness and justice for all people regardless of the color of their skin. I firmly believe that changing the rules now, and seating delegates from Florida and Michigan at this point would not only violate the Democratic party's rules of fairness, but also would be a grave injustice.

That's the beginning of a letter from Rev. Al Sharpton who claims to be neutral in the election. I have my doubts since Barack Obama clearly benefits from keeping the Michigan and Florida delegates out. Hillary will fight like mad to get them seated because she's gonna need them.

None of these stories advances Hillary's quest for the White House.

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