HolyCoast: Mrs. Obama is Finally Proud of America
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Monday, February 18, 2008

Mrs. Obama is Finally Proud of America

Well praise be, Mrs. Barack Obama has finally found reason to be proud of America. Victor Davis Hanson has some thoughts on this new found pride:
Re: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback." — Michelle Obama

I wrote not long ago that Michelle Obama is a loose cannon, and I fear that her latest is not her last. I would have thought that two Ivy-League degrees, a joint income of about a million dollars, exclusive private schools for the kids, and a nice home in the suburbs were not so bad and might suggest that hope had made a comeback well before Barack's presidential run.

Were Democrats fleeing the self-absorption of the Billary power couple of two Yale-educated lawyers — only to embrace the self-absorption of a power-couple of two Harvard-educated lawyers? Or was it a Yale versus Harvard Law School intramural thing all along?

Where else in the world could the Obama's have accomplished what they've accomplished except in America? There should have been plenty of reason to be proud of her country long before her husband ran for president.

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