HolyCoast: Teaching the Global Warming Religion to California Schoolkids
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Monday, February 18, 2008

Teaching the Global Warming Religion to California Schoolkids

California recently passed legislation forcing homosexual "education" (aka indoctrination) into the classrooms and textbooks. Of course, there will be no dissenting views allowed.

Evolution as fact and not theory has long been forced on California schoolkids, again without dissenting opinions. The next liberal religion to be added to textbooks will be global warming according to this report:
Reading, writing and . . . global warming?

A Silicon Valley lawmaker is gaining momentum with a bill that would require "climate change" to be among the science topics that all California public school students are taught.

The measure, by state Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, also would mandate that future science textbooks approved for California public schools include climate change.

"You can't have a science curriculum that is relevant and current if it doesn't deal with the science behind climate change," Simitian said. "This is a phenomenon of global importance and our kids ought to understand the science behind that phenomenon."

The state Senate approved the bill, SB 908, Jan. 30 by a 26-13 vote. It heads now to the state Assembly. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has taken numerous actions to reduce global warming, but he has yet to weigh in on Simitian's bill. Other Republicans in the Capitol, however, are not happy about the proposal.

Some say the science on global warming isn't clear, while others worry the bill would inject environmental propaganda into classrooms.

"I find it disturbing that this mandate to teach this theory is not accompanied by a requirement that the discussion be science-based and include a critical analysis of all sides of the subject," said Sen. Tom McClintock, R-Thousand Oaks, during the Senate debate.
Expect the Governator to quite willingly sign this into law given his propensity to promote human-induced global warming at every opportunity. And don't look for any dissenting material from those scientists who disagree with human causation. Just like those who oppose homosexual eduction or the teaching of evolution as fact and not theory, their views will not be deemed worthy to be included in the textbooks.

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