HolyCoast: NY Times: "Our Readers Are Stupid"
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Saturday, February 23, 2008

NY Times: "Our Readers Are Stupid"

The NY Times is still reeling from the blowback they've received following the hit piece on John McCain. Today the newpaper's editor responded, basically calling the readers stupid:
WASHINGTON - The embattled executive editor of the New York Times defended its John McCain story Friday with a novel explanation for the flood of critical e-mails the newspaper received: slow-witted readers.

“Personally, I was surprised by the volume of the reaction,” Bill Keller wrote in a Times Web site Q&A forum. Readers posted 2,000 comments and sent in 3,700 questions.

“I was surprised by how lopsided the opinion was against our decision, with readers who described themselves as independents and Democrats joining Republicans in defending Mr. McCain from what they saw as a cheap shot,” Keller added.

The problem, Keller went on, is that readers didn’t get it.

“Frankly, I was a little surprised by how few readers saw what was, to us, the larger point of the story.”

Hopefully the readers will not be stupid enough to keep paying for a subscription.

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