HolyCoast: "Shame on You, Barack Obama!"
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Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Shame on You, Barack Obama!"

Hillary Clinton has tried every campaign tactic she can come up with to compete with Barack the Phenom, and now she's trying the "scolding Mom" approach:

As the battle for the labor vote between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is heating up in the crucial March 4 primary battleground of Ohio, Clinton leveled new charges on Saturday of unfair attacks by her Democratic presidential opponent.

Clinton’s claims are based on two Obama campaign mailers, one targeting Clinton’s advocacy for the North American Free Trade Agreement and the other attacking her on her health care stance. Both issues could be a source of vulnerability for Clinton in Ohio, which has a heavy labor vote.

Clinton — now trailing Obama in the crucial delegate count — needs wins in the delegate-rich states of Ohio and Texas to stay in the race.

“Enough with the speeches and the big rallies and then using tactics that are right out of Karl Rove’s play book. This is wrong and every Democrat should be outraged,” Clinton told reporters Saturday after a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.

“So shame on you Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public. That’s what I expect from you. Meet me in Ohio and let’s have a debate about your tactics and your behavior in this campaign,” Clinton said. The two are set for a debate Tuesday in Cleveland.

Clinton is kidding herself if she thinks this attack will be effective.

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