HolyCoast: Super Tuesday Live Blog
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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday Live Blog

The votes are coming in and as states are called for a candidate I'll update the list below. At any point during the evening you can check in and get a snapshot of where everything is at that point in time. This post will stay at the top all night.

GOP - McCain is having a good night. Huckabee much better than expected. Romney, not so much. Better hide the sharp knives at Hugh Hewitt's house.
DEM - Clinton is having a good night. Obama, not bad but no big unexpected wins.

NOTE: I hope you're watching Fox News. Brit Hume is having a lot of fun with Bill Hemmer and his fancy interactive map, and is marveling at Michael Barone's amazing knowledge of individual counties and precincts. They're really enjoying themselves in New York and it makes the evening much more fun for the viewers. Karl Rove has been a good addition along with bloggers Mary Katherine Ham from TownHall.com and Tom Bevin from RealClearPolitics.com. Even Democrat Harold Ford has been interesting in his interactions with Chris Wallace. Well done, Fox.

For the record I muted the TV when Hillary Clinton and John McCain spoke. I'm not interested in either one. I did listen to Huckabee, Romney and Obama. I thought it interesting that Barack Obama made his entrance right after McCain started speaking and the network split-screened it, though they didn't interrupt McCain's speech. (UPDATE: They broke away from McCain's speech when Obama started. I'll bet that ticks off the little martinet.)

Obama gave a stemwinder of a speech. He didn't say anything, but it was well delivered and clearly left his fans in the heights of rapture. When he says "YES WE CAN" he's very believable, whereas Romney and Huckabee simply weren't. Obama still has a chance to win - the other two don't.

UPDATE 9:14 pm PT - Brit Hume seems unusually ebbulient about calling California for McCain and Clinton. I think he wants to go home.

  • States Won - McCain - Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, New York, Delaware, Oklahoma, Arizona, Missouri, California
  • States Won - Romney - Massachusetts, Utah, North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Minnesota, Alaska
  • States Won - Huckabee - West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia


  • States Won - Clinton - Oklahoma, Arkansas, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Arizona, California
  • States Won - Obama - Democrats Abroad, Georgia, Illinois, Alabama, Delaware, Kansas, Utah, North Dakota, Connecticut, Minnesota, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Alaska



  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Clinton


  • GOP - Huckabee
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - Romney
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - Huckabee
  • DEM - Clinton


  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Clinton


  • GOP - Romney
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - Huckabee
  • DEM - Obama


  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Obama


  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - Romney
  • DEM - Clinton (so much for Ted Kennedy & John Kerry's Obama endorsements)


  • GOP - Romney
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - Romney

New Jersey

  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Clinton

New Mexico

  • DEM - Too close to call

New York

  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Clinton

North Dakota

  • GOP - Romney
  • DEM - Obama


  • GOP - McCain
  • DEM - Clinton


  • GOP - Huckabee
  • DEM - Clinton


  • GOP - Romney
  • DEM - Obama

West Virginia

  • GOP - Huckabee

American Samoa

  • DEM - Sorry, Samoans, but I couldn't find your results.

Democrats Abroad

  • DEM - Obama

California Ballot Initiatives:

  • 91 - NO
  • 92 - NO
  • 93 - NO
  • 94 - YES
  • 95 - YES
  • 96 - YES
  • 97 - YES

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