HolyCoast: It's Pretty Much Over for the GOP
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's Pretty Much Over for the GOP

Based on the results of Super Tuesday and the primaries leading up to Feb. 5th, it's now pretty much over for the GOP. They're stuck with John McCain. I say "they" because I won't be joining them in voting for him in November.

Mike Huckabee has no strength outside of the south and probably won't win anything ever again. Mitt Romney was badly hurt by tonight's contests. It's hard to see him as a viable candidate going forward.

On the Dem side the race goes on, but I think you have to give Hillary the nod. Obama is a far more inspiring figure, but there's serious doubts as to whether his organization can keep up with the Clintons. He's got plenty of money to work with, so things will continue to be competitive quite possibly until Pennsylvania votes at the end of April.

Karl Rove pointed out something that should be a real warning to Republicans. The turnout Tuesday was nearly 2-1 in favor of the Democrats. Their voters are clearly more enthusiastic about their candidates than are the Republicans. That won't get any better in November.

UPDATE: Bill Kristol predicts the Mitt Romney will withdraw from the race, possibly during his speech at the CPAC conference later this week.

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