HolyCoast: Toledo, OH Has Something in Common with Berkeley, CA
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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Toledo, OH Has Something in Common with Berkeley, CA

Can you name two cities that want to throw out the Marines? I'm sure you could name Berkeley, CA give the previous posts here about their war on the recruiting office. Well, now you can add Toledo, OH:
A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.

The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., planned to spend their weekend engaged in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave.

Toledo police knew days in advance about their plans for a three-day exercise. Yet somehow the memo never made it to Mayor Finkbeiner, who ordered the Marines out yesterday afternoon just minutes before their buses were to arrive.

"The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor's spokesman.

"He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area."
The only people frightened by Marines are lefties with an irrational fear of the military, or people who are doing things they shouldn't be doing. Which one (or both) apply to Mayor Finkbeiner?

UPDATE: Not all of Ohio is allergic to Marines. Read this heartwarming piece from a Marine Dad and his experiences with the people of Columbus, OH.

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