HolyCoast: Will Dems Choose to Lose With Hillary
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Friday, February 08, 2008

Will Dems Choose to Lose With Hillary

Here are some interesting poll numbers:

A new Time magazine poll compares potential general election match ups:

Obama 48%, McCain 41%
Clinton 46%, McCain 46%

According to the poll director, the difference is that "independents tilt toward McCain when he is matched up against Clinton But they tilt toward Obama when he is matched up against the Illinois Senator."

Interestingly, Democratic voters favor Clinton over Obama for the Democratic nomination by a margin of 48% to 42%.

The Dems have a history of nominating the wrong person for the job (see Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry). Will they ignore the obvious attraction of Obama to have another run at the Clinton years?

Since so many people in the GOP establishment are hoping that Hillary will be the nominee and thus drive voters to McCain, Rush Limbaugh is considering holding a Hillary fundraiser to make sure she has enough funds to win the nomination.

Give 'til it hurts.

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