HolyCoast: Florida Delegate Situation Muddled Even Further
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Florida Delegate Situation Muddled Even Further

The Politico reports that the plan to redo the Florida Dem vote via a mailed ballot may be derailed by the Florida House Democrats:
For a moment, it looked like party leaders were marching toward a Florida revote. But Obama's campaign signaled today that the mechanics would be an obstacle, and Florida's congressional delegation just took a hard line against a re-vote in a joint statement:

Washington, DC – The Members of Florida’s Democratic Delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives issued the following statement regarding the seating of Florida’s delegates at the DNC National Convention this August.

“We are committed to working with the DNC, the Florida State Democratic party, our Democratic leaders in Florida, and our two candidates to reach an expedited solution that ensures our 210 delegates are seated.

“Our House delegation is opposed to a mail-in campaign or any redo of any kind.”

If they are opposed to a redo and yet they want their delegates seated, that can only mean that they want the results from the Florida primary to be accepted as is, and that will bring a lawsuit from Rev. Al Sharpton.

Ooooo, this is getting good...

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