HolyCoast: House Violates Its Own Rules...To Pass An Ethics Bill
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

House Violates Its Own Rules...To Pass An Ethics Bill

You just can't make this stuff up (from Rep. Eric Cantor):
Only the Democrat House Leadership could find an unethical way to pass an “ethics” bill.

House Democrats had crafted legislation, an ethics bill in name only, that will do nothing to clean-up Washington. In fact, many non-partisan experts believe that it will only further empower the special interests.

Tonight, on the House floor, House Democrats were headed towards defeat. They were opposed by a bipartisan coalition of Members, who wanted to work towards meaningful ethics reform, rather than accept the empty rhetoric offered by the House Democrat Leadership. At the end of the vote, the bipartisan coalition had prevailed; yet, Speaker Pelosi held the vote open and strong-armed less senior Representatives into voting her way. This action violated House rules that were enacted in January of last year.

One thing is clear – House Democrats have failed the American People. They can’t even pass an “ethics” bill without violating the rules.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats would run the most ethical Congress in history?

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