HolyCoast: Hillary for President! (In Texas and Ohio)
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Monday, March 03, 2008

Hillary for President! (In Texas and Ohio)

The Chicago Boyz suggest that some tactical voting is in order, and I agree:
Time for more tactical voting.

I suggest that any GOP voter in TX or OH take a Democrat ballot and vote for Hillary.

The fact that this contest is dragging on is harming the Democrats.

The fact that both of them have been struggling to get labor votes in Ohio has led them to say things about NAFTA that will hurt the D nominee in the general election. It even caused Obama to be caught in a lie about his NAFTA position.

Every day these two fight each other weakens the Ds and strengthens the GOP candidate in the Fall, and creates opportunities that can be exploited in the Fall.

Hillary needs these two wins to keep this contest alive.

Just as voting for Obama to weaken Hillary made sense a few weeks ago, the opposite is true now.

While some would like to see a quick end to the Clinton campaign, I think a slow and painful demise would be eminently more entertaining and certainly would be more harmful to the Dem party in the general election. A delegate fight over Michigan and Florida would keep the wounds bleeding and make for a pretty feisty Democratic convention this summer. For those who were hoping to "Re=create 68", this might be their best opportunity, though of course it would not have the outcome they intended.

Let's not forget that it was Dems and Independents voting in the GOP early primaries that gave us John McCain. I think we should return the favor.

Listen to Rick Moore on internet talk radioI'll talk about this subject and more on tonight's BlogTalkRadio program which you can hear by clicking on the icon. Feel free to call in and join the conversation. The show kicks off at 7pm PT Monday night.

I've expanded Monday's show to 1 hour to give us plenty of time. The call-in number will be (347) 347-5547.

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