HolyCoast: Hillary Will Benefit From an Obama Loss in November
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Monday, March 03, 2008

Hillary Will Benefit From an Obama Loss in November

Instapundit links to three items which suggest that the new Clinton objective is a McCain win in November that could position her as the Democrat leader in Congress:

HILLARY'S 3 A.M. AD, explained: "Hillary knows she's going down. They issued that ad because they want McCain to win. She thinks she can be a star in the Senate, leader of the Democratic party when [Obama] loses. So the commercial is her gift to John McCain." Are the Clintons capable of such breathtaking cynicism and selfishness?

UPDATE: Related item: "Hillary will probably become the new Teddy K. --a lioness of the Senate, serving there until the end of days for most of us. She will even enjoy and perhaps earn a unique sort of authority, an uber 'been-there-done-that' wisdom. If she ever writes a candid book, it will be riveting."

MORE: Drudge: "Hillary: Obama Not Muslim 'As Far As I Know'..."

I suggested awhile back that should Hillary lose the primary or the general election two things would happen:
  1. She would divorce Bill within a year. Theirs is a marriage of political convenience and once there's no longer a benefit she'd drop Bill like a hot rock. His frequent infidelities would make her a sympathetic figure in the divorce and her public image wouldn't suffer at all.
  2. She would attempt (probably successfully) to replace Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader. Reid has been a total loss for the Democrats and I have to believe most of them would like to see someone else in that job. As the runner-up in the primary battle (and not a loser in the general election) she would be a logical choice. She would enjoy a high profile position where she could continue to get the media attention she craves while pushing her legislative agendas and attempting to stymie the GOP. She woul probably enjoy that job immensely, and heaven knows, she'd be better at it than Reid.

While we may get rid of the Clintons as presidential hopefuls, she will be around in a major political position for some time. He will become increasingly irrelevant, probably taken to irrational rantings like Jimmuh Carter.

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