HolyCoast: Kerry: Elect Obama Because He's Black
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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kerry: Elect Obama Because He's Black

Well, if he wasn't the candidate of race before, he sure is now:
In an interview with Massachusetts' SouthCoastToday, Obama-backing Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., says among other reasons he's supporting Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is his belief that "it would be such an affirmation of who we say we are as a people. if we could elect an African-American president, young leader, who is obviously visionary about the ability to inspire people."

Kerry said that a President Obama would help the US, in relations with Muslim countries, "in some cases go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can't otherwise."

"He has the ability to help us bridge the divide of religious extremism," Kerry said. "To maybe even give power to moderate Islam to be able to stand up against this radical misinterpretation of a legitimate religion."

Kerry was asked what gives Obama that credibility.

"Because he's African-American. Because he's a black man. Who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country."

Is this the "oppression and repression" that allowed him to graduate from Columbia and Harvard? And the same "oppression and repression" that allowed him to ba a major candidate for president even though his experience consists largely of voting "present" in the Illinois State Legislature, and spending two years in the U.S. Senate? That must be some terrible country he's from.

Kerry is an idiot.

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