HolyCoast: Obama Campaign: "Clinton Has Character Gap"
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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Obama Campaign: "Clinton Has Character Gap"

How can you tell the Obama campaign is hurting after the Rev. Wright flap? They've gone negative on Hillary Clinton in a big way, all but calling her a liar:

The campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., delivered one of its harshest, most negative attacks yet today, asserting that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., is lacking in character and regularly misleads voters.

"She is not seen as trustworthy by the American people," said Obama campaign manager David Plouffe in a conference call with reporters this morning, citing a Gallup poll released this week indicating that only 44 percent of the American people consider Clinton "honest and trustworthy," as opposed to 67 percent for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and 63 percent for Obama.

Plouffe said this perception would make it "next to impossible" for Clinton to win the general election.

"To head into a general election with over half the electorate not believing you are trustworthy is a serious problem," Plouffe said. "The American people will not elect a candidate that they do not see as trustworthy."

Obama Camp Goes Negative

In the past the Obama campaign has raised these numbers to merely argue this would be a difficult hurdle for Clinton to clear, though it stopped short of blaming her for the perception she's not trustworthy.

Not today.

Today, the Obama campaign blamed Clinton for what Gallup called a "perceived honesty gap" and Plouffe called a "character gap."

Greg Craig, a former White House attorney under President Clinton who serves as a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, added that Clinton's newly released schedules from her days as first lady did not support her claims of foreign policy experience.

"Her access was very limited and her trips abroad were largely ceremonial," Craig said. "She says she is ready to be commander in chief based on claims that are not supported by reality."

Plouffe said Clinton is "consistently engaged in political calculation to mislead voters" and laid out a case that Clinton is a liar (though he never used the L word so forbidden in politics.)

The more each side hurts the other, the more they fight back. It's a beautiful thing.

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