HolyCoast: The $7 Dollar Lemonade That Disrupted a Family
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The $7 Dollar Lemonade That Disrupted a Family

I can't help but feel sorry for this guy:
DETROIT — A University of Michigan professor says he had no idea he'd given his 7-year-old son alcoholic lemonade at a ball game, and is furious at child-protection officials for removing his son from the home.

Christopher Ratte of Ann Arbor and his wife have filed a complaint against Child Protective Services.

Their son Leo spent two days in state custody. The father spent nearly a week outside his home before he was allowed to return.

He tells the Detroit Free Press that he'd taken his son to a Detroit Tigers game a few weeks ago. He didn't notice the $7 lemonade he bought contained alcohol.

A security guard noticed the boy drinking the spiked lemonade and called authorities. Leo was checked at a hospital. No trace of alcohol was found in his blood.

No charges were filed against the father, who says it was a case of "massive overreaction."
I read in another account that the guy had never heard of "Mike's Hard Lemonade" since he didn't watch much TV and wasn't even aware that there was such a thing as alcoholic lemonade.

Paying $7 for a drink at a major league baseball game wouldn't have tipped him off either.

Child protection laws were written for noble purposes, but at some point there needs to be some common sense applied.

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