HolyCoast: How Bad is It for Obama? Operation Chaos May Switch Sides
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How Bad is It for Obama? Operation Chaos May Switch Sides

Operation Chaos is Rush Limbaugh's operation designed to keep the battle going in the Dem party for as long as possible. Up until today that involved getting Republicans to register and Dems and vote for Hillary Clinton in the primaries. So far it's been pretty effective.

With the damage done to Obama by Rev. Wright, Rush is calling an operational pause to review the situation and see if it may be necessary to vote for Obama to save his campaign from complete collapse. I think most Republicans would rather face Obama in November than Clinton:
RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I am calling an operational pause in Operation Chaos. We have a week to figure out now what's best to do. If your state still allows voter registration, keep that up, continue to register as a Democrat in upcoming Operation Chaos primaries. I think it's too late in Indiana and North Carolina. Oregon, last day is today. There are other states coming down the pike, and Puerto Rico. But I'm calling an operational pause, and I will tell you why. My first gut reaction, my instinct, in listening to the audio sound bites of Obama today throwing Jeremiah Wright off the planet, he didn't throw him under the bus, he put him in the space shuttle and he sent him to the space station so he can pal around with the Russians that are up there. Then I watched during the bottom-of-the-hour break here, I decided to watch the Drive-By Media coverage of this, because it became obvious to me — see, I read the stitches on the fastball; I can read between the lines, and I know that most of the Drive-Bys are in the tank for Obama...

...My gut reaction, after the audio sound bites, was to issue new orders, because I saw, you know, AP/Ipsos poll has Hillary up over McCain by nine points, 50-41. My gut reaction here, after hearing Obama, was to issue orders changing directives, i.e., vote Obama in remaining primaries. But I'm holding back. That's why I'm calling an operational pause. Because I want to see what the Drive-Bys are going to do and I want to see how the superdelegates are affected by this. You can't vote in North Carolina and Indiana 'til Tuesday anyway, so there's really no pause. It's not as though the election is tomorrow. I just wanted you to know your commanding officers are eagerly, diligently, and effectively planning the next strategy here, based on this speech and the reaction to it.
My wife and I were talking about a Hillary candidacy and the fears that after saving her bacon in the primaries, should could have earned a lot of respect from Dems and Republicans alike for hanging in there despite the calls for her to quit. If she applies the same effort to the general election that she has in the primaries, she could be a formidable foe for McCain.

There is still the problems within her own party. Many of the most prominent lefty blogs absolutely hate her, she'd probably lose a big chunk of the black vote, and all those young people who were inspired by Mr. Hope and Change will do what young people do in every election - stay home. Hillary is by no means a shoe-in, but polls seem to indicate that she has a better chance of winning some key states than does Obama.

Right now the ideal outcome would seem to be a fight that goes all the way to the convention with the superdelegates going with Obama out of fear that they'd lose too many of their key constituencies if they overrode the primary voters and chose Hillary. Obama would be easy prey for the GOP.

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