HolyCoast: Alan Keyes Leaves the GOP
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Alan Keyes Leaves the GOP

During a speech to a whopping 60 people, perennial GOP also-ran Alan Keyes announced that he has left the GOP:
HAZLETON – Alan Keyes, who worked in the administration of Ronald Reagan and unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for president three times, announced Tuesday night that he has left the party.

Alan Keyes hinted Tuesday night at Genetti’s Best Western, Hazleton, he might run again for president in the fall, this time as a Constitution Party candidate.

Speaking to a group of about 60 people in the Lincoln Ballroom at Genetti’s Best Western Inn in Hazleton, Keyes, 57, said he could no longer stay in a party that has lost its way.

He said the “Republican Party has come to a dark and confused place.”

I think "dark and confused" better describes Keyes than the GOP.

The bottom line is that Keyes has been selling something that the GOP wasn't buying. His campaign against Barack Obama was a disaster and may well have helped create the aura around Obama that's enabled him to be a viable candidate for president as a freshman senator. Keyes entry into the GOP race earlier this year was nothing but a sideshow, as were his other runs. He's had some good ideas, but as a candidate, was badly flawed.

As a third-party candidate he won't even be a blip on the radar. This could just as well been his farewell address.

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