HolyCoast: Barack Obama Supporter Jimmuh Carter to Meet With Terrorists
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Barack Obama Supporter Jimmuh Carter to Meet With Terrorists

Jimmuh Carter's descent into senility continues. Though he has not publicly endorsed Barack Obama, he made it clear in a recent interview that everybody in his home town supports Obama along with everyone in his family, and I don't think this bit of news will help his chosen candidate:
NEW YORK CITY — Former President Jimmy Carter is reportedly preparing an unprecedented meeting with the leader of Hamas, an organization that the U.S. government considers one of the leading terrorist threats in the world.

The Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Tuesday that Carter was planning a trip to Syria for mid-April, during which he would meet with Khaled Meshal, the exiled head of the Palestinian terror group Hamas, on April 18.

Deanna Congileo, Carter’s press secretary, confirmed in an e-mail to FOXNews.com that Carter will be in the Mideast in April. Pressed for comment, Congileo did not deny that the former president is considering visiting Meshal.

“President Carter is planning a trip to the Mideast next week; however, we are still confirming details of the trip and will issue a press release by the end of this week,” wrote Congileo. “I cannot confirm any specific meetings at this point in time.”

Meshal, who lives in Syria to avoid being arrested by the Israeli government, leads Hamas from his seat in Damascus, where he is a guest of Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

I'm not sure how you go from Baptist Sunday School teacher to supporter of a terrorist organization sworn to destroy Israel, but somehow Jimmuh has done it. And I'm sure the GOP is already planning out some ads for the day Jimmuh publicly endorses Obama so they can tie this trip around Barack's neck.

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