HolyCoast: Obama Gets Some High Profile Help
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Friday, April 18, 2008

Obama Gets Some High Profile Help

Barack Obama picked up another former Clinton cabinet member's endorsement, and signed on a couple of high profile advisors:
(CNN) — Robert Reich, a former Clinton cabinet member and longtime friend of the former president, has formally endorsed Barack Obama's White House bid, saying Friday that "my conscience won't let me be silent any longer."

"Although Hillary Clinton has offered solid and sensible policy proposals, Obama's strike me as even more so," Reich wrote on his blog. He served as the Secretary of Labor from 1993-1997 and is currently a professor at UC Berkeley.
From what I'm hearing it was Clinton's negative ads that pushed him over the edge to Obama.

And, the two new advisors:
(CNN)—Former Senators Sam Nunn and David Boren endorsed Barack Obama’s candidacy Friday and accepted the invitation to serve as advisors on his National Security Foreign Policy team.

“I believe that Senator Obama has a rare ability to restore America’s credibility and moral authority and to get others to join us in tackling serious global problems that will determine our own well being and security,” Nunn said in a statement.

Senator Nunn served as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee for 10 out of his 25 years in the Senate. Senator Boren was the longest-serving Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and one of President Bill Clinton’s top choices to replace Les Aspin in 1994 as U.S. Secretary of Defense. Between the two, they have nearly 60 years of high ranking Senate experience.

I've heard Nunn's name suggested as a possible VP candidate. He would certainly ad some gravitas to the ticket.

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