Top 1% (incomes of $1.3 million or more): 38%
Top 20% (incomes of $215,000 or more): 86.3%
Top 40% (incomes of $85,000 or more): 99.4%
Bottom 60%: 0.6%
Bottom 40% (below $37,000 in income): Pays zero taxes and actually gets money back
When 40% of the people pay no taxes and actually get money back from the government, the odds of coming up with a tax plan that is fair to all taxpayers is almost zero. They bottom 40% is almost big enough to veto any fair tax plan just by voting against any legislator who proposes it. This is why you'll never see a flat tax plan enacted - it would require too many people to pay taxes who aren't paying any now.
The top 40% of wage earners are paying the bills (including national defense and all the entitlement programs), while the bottom 60% are going along for the ride (often with their hands outstretched for more government largesse).
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