HolyCoast: Breaking News! TV Station Doesn't Cover Pursuit During Sweeps!
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Breaking News! TV Station Doesn't Cover Pursuit During Sweeps!

I've been irritated more than once by LA's Prime News (Channel 5) when they've broken away from their news reports and have followed a stupid car chase, sometimes for the entire hour. I know it irritated former anchor Hal Fishman who was often vocal about the stupidity of the chases, but he was obviously overruled by station management who insisted on dumping as much of the show as necessary to stay with the live coverage.

Tonight I saw something I've never seen before - after showing about 30 seconds of an ongoing pursuit, they broke away and went back to their newscast. Amazing. Hal would be proud. They went back to the important stuff.

When the guy finally gave up they went back to the pursuit just to see the arrest, and then right back to the news. That's the way it ought to be done. Too much attention is given to the morons that try and run from the cops, and more than once you could tell the driver was playing to the cameras.

Now we can go back to all those great Sweeps Month stories like the "G-spot" enhancement piece they had the other night, or the expose on fake 50's groups playing in Las Vegas. You know, the really important stuff.

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