HolyCoast: Clinton Pushing for VP Slot
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Clinton Pushing for VP Slot

According to this report, the Clinton campaign is pushing Barack Obama for the VP slot:
May 23 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is in formal talks with Senator Barack Obama's campaign about becoming his vice presidential running mate, CNN reported, without citing anyone specific.

The two Democratic campaigns are talking about ways for Clinton, from New York, to drop her bid for president that may include joining the Illinois senator's ticket, CNN reported. Talks are in a ``very preliminary'' stage and are described as ``difficult,'' the network said.

It's probably "difficult" because Obama doesn't want her. Why would he want to be saddled with all the baggage she and Bill would bring?

I'm still not convinced that Hillary really wants the job. This could just be an effort that she knows is doomed but feels she must pursue in order to stay in the good graces of the Dem voters who will be asked to vote for her when she runs again in 2012 (assuming Obama loses in November).

Scrappleface offers Bill Clinton's reasoning for wanting Hillary to be the VP candidate:
“Black racists and white racists would, of course, refuse to vote for Obama-Hillary,” said Mr. Clinton. “Elitists will snub Hillary and blue-collar union workers will thumb their noses at Obama. Bitter, man-hating women will reject him and misogynists will spurn her. Social Security dependents will abandon Barack and, as usual, young radicals will merely intend to vote. Essentially, that covers the full range of registered Democrats.”

The former president said the Obama-Hillary pairing “would balance the ticket in way that keeps virtually every Democrat at home on election day, thus de-legitimizing the process, which we all know is corrupt anyway.”

There's a surprising amount of truth in that.

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