HolyCoast: American Indian Museum's Duck Sucker
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Friday, May 23, 2008

American Indian Museum's Duck Sucker

Three years ago I took the family to Washington D.C. and while there we visited the Museum of the American Indian where we took this picture.

Apparently there's a little controvery about that fountain behind us as it has proven especially proficient at duck sucking:
WASHINGTON — The National Museum of the American Indian said equipment in an outdoor fountain that was supposed to protect wildlife appears to have failed, resulting in the deaths last week of five ducklings.

Museum spokeswoman Leonda Levchuk said the ducklings were pulled into a drain as horrified visitors watched Saturday afternoon.
If they really want to be horrified they ought to walk about a quarter mile down the Mall to the U.S. Capitol and see what's going on down there.

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