HolyCoast: Dem Congresswoman a 3-Time Defaulter
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dem Congresswoman a 3-Time Defaulter

The other day I mentioned a Dem congresswoman from Long Beach whose Sacramento home was just sold in a foreclosure auction. It turns out that she's a 3-time defaulter:
Rep. Laura Richardson, who lost her Sacramento home in a recent foreclosure auction, has also defaulted on properties in Long Beach and San Pedro, records show.

Richardson, D-Long Beach, was able to bring her payments up to date on the Long Beach home relatively quickly, but the San Pedro property lingered in the foreclosure process for almost eight months, and still has a pending auction date.

In her first interview since the news broke Tuesday that her Sacramento home had been foreclosed, Richardson blamed the foreclosure on a miscommunication by her lender. She offered no apologies for failing to make payments on three separate homes and expressed no regret for failing to pay nearly $9,000 in property taxes.

She makes $170,000 a year as a member of Congress, not to mention additional funds for daily expenses. A fine example of a Democrat lawmaker. I'll bet she can't wait until Congress passes that bailout bill.

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