HolyCoast: Even Discrimination is Going Wireless
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Even Discrimination is Going Wireless

Advances in technology are such that now even discrimination is wireless:
A group in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is seeking a ban on Wi-Fi signals in public buildings because they say they’re allergic to wireless Internet signals, according to a report from KOB-TV.

"I get chest pain and it doesn't go away right away," alleged Wi-Fi allergy sufferer Arthur Firstenberg told KOB.

"It's not 1692, it's 2008. Santa Fe needs to embrace this technology, it's not going away," Santa Fe City Councilor Ron Trujillo says, noting that the area is already saturated with the wireless signals.

The Santa Fe city attorney is checking to see if the Wi-Fi signals could be considered a form of discrimination, KOB reports.

The voices in my head think these people are crazy.

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