HolyCoast: McClelland May Support Obama
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Friday, May 30, 2008

McClelland May Support Obama

Let's hope he endorses soon:
Scott McClellan, making the media rounds to promote his book and push back against the ferocious counter-attack by Bush loyalists, declined to come out tonight for John McCain and said he liked what he had heard from Barack Obama.

"I haven't made a decision," McClellan told Katie Couric on CBS's "Evening News," when asked if he was backing the Arizona senator. McClellan paid homage to McCain, saying that the Republican nominee had "governed from the center, and that's where I am."

But without prompting, he said he was "intrigued by Sen. Obama's message."

"It's a message that is very similar to the one that Gov. Bush ran on in 2000," McClellan said.
McClellan is enjoying the limelight right now, but it's all going to end sooner than he can imagine and he'll find himself a man without a country. The GOP will have written him off, the hard left hasn't stopped hating him since he was Bush press secretary, and the middle which is raving about him now will have no more use for him and he'll be seen as a disloyal turncoat who can't be trusted.

It would be better to be put in the witness protection program.

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