HolyCoast: Obama Ignores the Obvious Fix for High Oil Prices
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Obama Ignores the Obvious Fix for High Oil Prices

Barack Obama doesn't seem all that bothered by high oil prices. His recommendation: Americans need to change what and how they drive and car companies need to change what they build:
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Barack Obama said on Saturday Americans would start changing the kinds of cars they drive if gasoline prices continue to climb and said he owned a hybrid vehicle, though he doesn't drive it much.

Obama, an Illinois senator and the front-runner for his party's presidential nomination, has made fighting climate change a key issue of his campaign, and as fuel prices soar, he has repeatedly called on car makers to increase fuel efficiency standards.
What's missing here? Where's the call to Congress to make it easier for our own oil companies to drill for new resources and build additional refining capacity to increase supply? He could sponsor a bill tomorrow to do both of those things, but liberals don't do that.

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