HolyCoast: Obama Visits Mount Rushmore, Contributes to His Gaffe Collection
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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Obama Visits Mount Rushmore, Contributes to His Gaffe Collection

Barack Obama made a late night visit to Mount Rushmore while campaigning is South Dakota, and an AP reporter had the following exchange with him:
He did express curiosity about the filming of a chase scene in "North by Northwest," Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 classic starring Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint that included a death-defying scramble over Rushmore's presidential faces.

"How did they get up there in the first place?" he asked ranger Wesley Jensen.

"They didn't. It was a movie set," Jensen told him.

"Pretty spiffy, isn't it," said the Illinois senator, summing up his overall impressions.
Note to Obama: They didn't use a real Death Star in Star Wars either.

Seriously though, any Republican making a statement like that would have been blasted by every media outlet in the land and been called every kind of stupid. Obama will largely get a pass.

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