HolyCoast: Three PDAs and You're Out!
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Friday, May 02, 2008

Three PDAs and You're Out!

A high school principal has decided to put an end to certainly public displays of affection (PDAs):
A Memphis high school principal, fed up with public displays of affection in the hallways, allegedly displayed a list of couples — including some who are gay — in the school, publicly outing the boys and violating their privacy, according to one of the students involved.

"I really feel that my personal privacy was invaded," Nicholas, one of the young men who claims his sexuality was exposed without his approval by his principal, told ABC News' Memphis affiliate Eyewitness News Everywhere. "I mean, Principal Beasley called my mother and outted me to my mother!"

"It was actually frightening," Nicholas said of the incident, which occurred in Fall 2007, "to see a list with my name on it where not just other teachers could see but students as well."

Nicholas, an 11th grader at Hollis F. Price Middle College High School in Memphis, was allegedly named, along with his suspected boyfriend, 10th grader Andrew, on a list of couples posted by their principal, Daphne Beasley.

I just have to laugh at the "right to privacy" claim. If this guy was liplocking with his boyfriend publicly enough that the principal was able to see it (and probably more than once), it doesn't sound like "privacy" was a major concern. And, if his behavior violated school rules, she had every right to call his mother.

You can't have it both ways, big boy (pun intended).

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