HolyCoast: Another Reason to Like Gov. Bobby Jindal
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another Reason to Like Gov. Bobby Jindal

Just a day after the Supremes struck down his state's death penalty for child rapists, Gov. Bobby Jindal signed another new law designed to take the starch out of rapists and sex offenders:
Characterizing sex offenders as monsters, Gov. Bobby Jindal signed legislation Wednesday that would force convicted rapists and others to undergo chemical castration.

“I am glad we have taken such strong measures in Louisiana to put a stop to these monsters’ brutal acts,” the governor said in a prepared statement.

Jindal signed Senate Bill 144 into law on the day that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Louisiana cannot execute people who rape children under the age of 12.

The governor blasted the high court’s decision.

“I am especially glad to sign (SB144) into Louisiana law … on the same day the Supreme Court has made an atrocious ruling against our state’s ability to sentence those who sexually assault our children to the fullest extent,” he said.

SB144 is “a good bill,” Jindal said, that sends the message that Louisiana will fully punish those who harm children.

Why stop at chemical castration? These people have already shown they don't know how to manage their "parts", so I say just cut 'em off and give 'em back to them in a jar.

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