HolyCoast: Bill Clinton Wants a Kiss From Barack Obama
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bill Clinton Wants a Kiss From Barack Obama

A lot of pundits noticed that Bill Clinton was missing from the Dem "unity" celebration yesterday in New Hampshire. Will Bubba be out on the stump campaigning for Obama? Only if Barack says it with a kiss:
Bill Clinton is so bitter about Barack Obama’s victory over his wife Hillary that he has told friends the Democratic nominee will have to beg for his wholehearted support.

Mr Obama is expected to speak to Mr Clinton for the first time since he won the nomination in the next few days, but campaign insiders say that the former president’s future campaign role is a “sticking point” in peace talks with Mrs Clinton’s aides.

The Telegraph has learned that the former president’s rage is still so great that even loyal allies are shocked by his patronising attitude to Mr Obama, and believe that he risks damaging his own reputation by his intransigence.

A senior Democrat who worked for Mr Clinton has revealed that he recently told friends Mr Obama could “kiss my ass” in return for his support.
Bill Clinton is exactly why Hillary Clinton will not get the VP nod. Obama can't risk having Bill on the campaign trail saying things to undermine the campaign.

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